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Party and mass work


Jishun Foreign Trade Company held the 2018 grassroots Party organization Secretary to review the work of grassroots party building


  为深入学习贯彻落实习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想和党的十九大精神,按照集团党委的工作部署,2019年2月28日,蓟顺公司召开了2018年度基层党支部书记抓基层党建述职评议会。Xing Zhi, member of the Party Committee of the group and chairman of the trade union, attended the meeting to supervise。The meeting was chaired by Mr. Pei Liquan, Secretary of the Party Committee of Jishun Company。

  At the meeting, three grassroots Party branch secretaries made a report on their duties。Reporting on the work of the party branch secretary can put themselves in, seriously summarize the search and grasp the grassroots party building work, the existing outstanding problems and the next step。Comrade Pei Liquan, Secretary of the Party Committee of Jishun Company, commented on each branch secretary who reported on their duties。After the report, the participants carried out on-site evaluation on the three Party branch secretaries, and the evaluation results were "good".。

  Subsequently, Comrade Xing Zhiyou, member of the Party Committee and chairman of the trade union, made comments。邢主席对蓟顺公司的工作给予了充分的肯定、指出了存在的问题,And put forward three work requirements: first, always put political construction in the first place,We will promote the normalization and institutionalization of "two studies and one action" learning education,Strengthen the "four consciousness", strengthen the "four self-confidence", and implement the "two maintenance";Second, we must consolidate the main responsibility of party building,Promote organizations at all levels to pay attention to fulfilling the responsibilities of the first responsible person,Step up training,Increase daily supervision and application of results;Third, we must continue to promote Party building and reform,Let party members take the lead in the reform,Push the whole work as hard as a rolling stone。

  Finally, Comrade Pei Liquan, secretary of the Party Committee of Jishun Foreign Trade Company, summarized the grassroots party building work in 2018 and put forward requirements for the work in 2019。He points out,We must have a firm political determination, a clear political mind, and a fighting spirit with the courage to take responsibility,Do not forget the original intention, remember the mission,Always uphold the leadership of the Party,We will strengthen community-level Party organizations,Focus on the key tasks of mixed ownership reform,Give full play to the role of Party organizations as fighting fortresses and the exemplary vanguard role of party members,Contribute wisdom and strength to the reform and development of enterprises。

Source: Jishun Foreign Trade Company

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